We Are Strong: The Natural Path to Effective Immunity
Our immune system has an astonishing ability to resist disease and infections. But it is only when we follow the natural path that we maximise that immunity and realise our incredible natural potential. … more →
Exploding COVID-19: When mass disobedience becomes our only refuge
COVID-19 is a respiratory infection that is being portrayed as a deadly epidemic by governments around the world and those who control them. The end goal: fragmentation of society, the enslavement of humanity, and the loss of personal sovereignty. Our duty therefore must be mass disobedience. … more →
Genetics, Identity Politics, Totalitarianism and Transcendence
The modern fixation on identity politics and denying the reality of genetic variation will ultimately destroy democracy and enslave us in totalitarianism. If we are to avoid an Orwellian dystopian future, we must respect reality, stop playing fantasy political games and find transcendence to take us out of our current quagmire. … more →
Throwing Children to the Wolves: How Hate Campaigns Against Children are now
in Vogue
A recent confrontation between Covington Catholics High School boys and American Indians raises important issues about prejudice, racism, political correctness and child abuse. The reaction to this confrontation shows the ruthlessness of political expediency. … more →
Artificial Intelligence, Implicit Reality Maps, the Carbon-Silicon
Equivalency and Models of Consciousness
The Creepy Line is an excellent documentary which castigates Google and Facebook for appropriating personal data and using their platforms to manipulate the public for profit and political purposes. The following is not a review but rather an exploration of some of these issues. … more →
Asking Whether We Are Living in a Computer Simulation is the Wrong
The computer simulation model of reality is being peddled by many of those in Silicon Valley, not so much as a scientific curiosity, but as a justification for AI technologies. … more →
Race, IQ, Equalism and Aliens
Accepting racial differences is the only way to stop society fragmenting under the continuous burden of hatred and accusation. As long as we promote the fantasy of equalism, we are living on borrowed time. … more →
How to be an Open-Minded Sceptic (and why it's important)
Learning open-minded scepticism is vital for stopping the fragmentation of society caused by the confusiong of ideologies (maps of reality) with reality itself. Otherwise we will be forever at war with those we disagree with. … more →
Angry Activists; Selective Empathy; Conditional Compassion
Anger, hatred and vilification have become the hallmarks of activism today, despite these qualities scuppering the very change the activists are seeking. Real change requires an emphasis on compassion and empathy. … more →
Terrorism, The Political Pendulum and Globalism
A politically incorrect examination of Islamic terrorist attacks, the importance of political oscillations between the Left and the Right, the naivety of much of our political activism, our addiction to desire-fulfilment, and the erosion of values and morals. … more →
Breaking Free from Big Brother - Putting Consciousness Back into The Heart of
Big Brother is intimidating, but only if you are caught in an objective world where consciousness is merely an addon or illusion. Put consciousness back into the heart of reality and an external controller is no longer a problem. … more →
The Children Who Lead Us To The Edge Of The Abyss - The Dangers of Knowledge
Untempered by Wisdom
Most scientists so focused on their research and getting the funding they will need that they downplay or hide any negative consequences of their work. This is why scientists need to be supervised by those with a wider vision that can speak for humanity. … more →
Reality-Mapping vs Belief-Mapping — Navigating Reality Full-Body
Our belief-maps are conceptual snapshots of our full-body reality-maps and are the cause of much of the chaos and antagonism in the world today. If we want a viable future, we need to learn to move away from belief-mapping and back into reality-mapping. … more →
Should We Be Tolerant of Intolerance? - Can Relativism Coexist with
If we value multiculturalism then we must not be afraid of being fiercely intolerant towards intolerance. Otherwise we will inadvertently end up destroying the very tolerance and freedoms that are the bedrock of modern multicultural societies. … more →
A Review of The Medical Medium - Anthony William
Anthony William is a medical medium claiming to bring through ground-breaking medical information and healing protocols that will cure most chronic and mystery diseases outright. A closer look, however, reveals that it is mostly exaggeration and marketing hype. … more →
Become a Deep Activist
Unless we embrace deep activism, we will never bring about positive global change. This is because activists who do not first remove their own pathologies unconsciously recreate societal pathologies. Without deep activism we only maintain the status quo. … more →
A Response to Gary Yourofsky's Essays on Violence, Pacifism and Rape
Gary Yourofsky is a militant animal rights activist who believes violence should play a role in any struggle for animal liberation. He dismisses pacifism, and hopes bad humans are raped, tortured and executed. He also gives the most persuasive lectures on veganism. … more →
Prejudice against Reptilians parallels Prejudice against Jews
Videos are springing up on Youtube purportedly showing public figures and other human-looking individuals shape-shifting into Reptilians. Sadly, this "evidence" is more a case of deep human prejudice that worryingly parallels that directed towards the Jews. … more →
Moving Beyond Emptiness to Higher-Dimensional Perspectives
No-Self is actually an artifact from trying to map polydimensional identity in a normal space-time framework. As long as we are dimensional ignorant, we will only be distorting reality when we try to resolve ontological paradoxes using inappropriate modelling. … more →
Blanket Surveillance to Monitor Mass Metamorphosis
Humanity is changing, metamorphosing into something other, something polydimensional. And this is the real reason for the mass surveillance that we are all under, for in expanding definitions of self we free ourselves from societal enslavement. … more →
Is Advaita Just Loving Nihilism? - Nonduality, Science and Meaninglessness
Nonduality can all too easily be reduced to nihilistic philosophy when we try to disown the mind and ego in our efforts to reach awakening. These are integral parts of ourselves, and if we want authentic awakening, we need to lovingly accept and integrate them. … more →
Getting Away with Murder: How the justice paradigm destroys the world
Fighting for justice can seem to be the right thing to do, when in fact it keeps us locked into polarity — us vs them. If we truly want to heal the world and ourselves, we need to let go of our addiction to the justice paradigm. … more →
All Memory Is False Memory: Freeing ourselves from the tyranny of reality
Only by deconstructing the reality that we think we live in can we free ourselves from the claustrophobic oppression of identity. Here we look at some of the assumptions of reality and some of the methods used to break it open to reveal oneness. … more →
Finding Happiness
We have to turn our backs on happiness if we are to find it. This is because much of what we define as happiness is just ego-validation, and egos are the source of our discontentment. As long as we pursue happiness, we will never find it. … more →
Mind the Gap: Stepping out of Time
We think we want to be a somebody, but the deeper drive is actually to be a nobody. That is why drug and alcohol addiction is so prevalent — we find the conceptual self too suffocating. The solution is to step out of time, and this is how it is done. … more →
From Reality-maps to Rude Awakening
Most of us believe that once we spiritually awaken, the mind stops and we find ourselves infinitely wise, compassionate and peaceful. The truth is a moron that wakes up is still likely a moron, and it is this realization that can actually set us free. … more →
Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear: The Fallacy of Government Responsibility
One of the greatest fallacies that humans continue to fall for is that privacy can be given up for safety. But because safety is actually based on privacy, our efforts to be safe at the cost of privacy is entirely counterproductive. We sacrifice privacy at our peril. … more →
Scientific Reductionism, Spiritual Nondualism and Redefining the Self
What do science and Advaita have in common? They are both spacetime-based philosophical systems that use reductionism as the litmus test for existence. As a consequence of this outlook, both deny the reality of nonlocal phenonenon such as our thinking minds. … more →
The Cosmic Computer, Simulated Realities, the Zero-Point Field, and Touching
What is Real
Is the universe a giant cosmic computer? Are we living in a computer simulation? Can consciousness be simulated? If reality is an illusion, how do we wake up to what is real? This is an open-minded exploration of some of these issues. … more →
The Meaning of Random: Random Number Generators and Tarot cards
The implications of Princeton's research which confirms that consciousness can directly affect Random Number Generators (RNGs) goes far beyond mind-over-matter considerations, overturning basic assumptions about causality and also questioning probability. … more →
Calling Things By Their Proper Name
We live in an age of doublespeak and euphemisms, where we have corrupted language to hide the evils of society. Our future lies in honesty, in calling things by their proper name. For only when we call a spade a spade can we face the shadow that is destroying us. … more →
Advaita Revisited: The Religion of Reductionism
Advaita or nondual spirituality uses outdated logic and reductionist reasoning to reduce reality to a concept of unity in which everything contradicting this concept is denied, including our own selves. So Advaita is a movement away from reality and into a nondual fantasy. … more →
From Freedom Fighter to Liberator: Realizing Non-Dual Activism
We are imprisoned by a virtual world which defines and manipulates us. This world is constructed, maintained and controlled by the mass media. To break free from this virtual prison we must let go of our identity. … more →
Misconceptions about Spiritual Awakening - How conceptual awakening blocks
authentic awakening
We are imprisoned by a virtual world which defines and manipulates us. This world is constructed, maintained and controlled by the mass media. To break free from this virtual prison we must let go of our identity. … more →
Who are we before Identity Operating System loads? - Breaking free from
The IDentity Operating System (IDOS) prevents us from fully experiencing the natural state of divine unity — the ground state of our being. Here we explore effective methods for crashing IDOS and liberating ourselves from the tyranny of individuality. … more →
The Cancer Treatment Protection Racket
The Cancer Act 1939 and similar legislation around the world gives orthodox cancer treatment an undeserved monopoly, ensuring that ineffective but profitable treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy can never be challenged by more effective alternative treatments. … more →
In Defense of Alternative Medicine — A Systems Perspective
By trying to eliminate the placebo effect, orthodox medicine ends up throwing out the very core of healing and wholeness. Doctors of the future, however, will not only accept the presence of the placebo effect, but will positively encourage it. … more →
Paradigms to Live By — Waking up from the Dream of Reality
History reminds us that what is scientific truth today probably won't be tomorrow, and yet as a society we adopt meaningless science as our main social paradigm because it is 'true', regardless of the destructive consequences of those beliefs. … more →
Skeptics & Debunkers — Michael Shermer Preaching to the TED
Skepticism is just another form of religious fanaticism — a rejection of anything that threatens established orthodox belief systems. Skeptics are individuals intolerant of new perspectives, and therefore enemies of progress and discovery. … more →
Ten Years on from 9/11: How our knee-jerk derision of conspiracy theory
invites government abuse
Dismissing alternative theories on the events of 9/11 as conspiracy theory not only excuses the real perpetrators, but gives the green light to government to continue its abuse of the people. It is time we collectively faced the facts. … more →
Free Will Reality Modification vs Letting Everything Be As It Is
Outdated Newtonian worldviews are responsible for the seeming contradictions and irreconcilable differences between non-duality spirituality and free will reality manifestation. Update our worldview and these conflicts disappear. … more →
The Story of I: Understanding the Conceptual Self
Authentic spiritual awakening has nothing to do with gods, spirits, prayers, holy books, mystical experiences and enlightened masters. It is based entirely around the self and the stories that we tell about ourselves — the Story of I. … more →
The End of Conspiracy: Looking beyond outdated perspectives
Conspiracies are behind many of the disasters that that have beset humanity through the ages. But as humanity lets go of outdated perspectives and embraces unity consciousness, we are now witnessing the end of conspiracy. … more →
How to Defend Yourself Against a Scientist — The Art of Mental Kung
Are you tired of having your experiences and spiritual beliefs dismissed by those more scientifically-minded? Are scientists attacking you for being "unscientific" and illogical? It is time to learn some mental Kung Fu. … more →
From Creating Our Reality to Authentic Spiritual Awakening
Creating our own reality is a central focus for most of those in the New Age and New Consciousness movement. But as long as we are manipulating reality, we can never experience authentic spiritual awakening. … more →
Spiritual Marketing Techniques
An examination of methods used to market spiritual teachers and teachings. Whether you are an authentic spiritual teacher or just playing the guru-game, there is good money to be made in active spiritual marketing. … more →
Embracing Confusion's Alchemy: Rejecting the Seduction of
When we force rationality onto highly strange experiences, we lose the opportunity for the dissonance of our confusion to challenge our paradigms and work its alchemy in freeing us to greater possibility. … more →
Spirituality vs Ecology: The Myth of Spiritual Ecology
Spirituality and ecology are often viewed as different facets of the same modern spiritual belief. However, digging deeper we find that they are in fact mutually exclusive and that the very term spiritual ecology is oxymoronic. … more →
Review of Val Valerian's Matrix V (M5) Books
Val Valerian's Matrix 5 books ( were inspired by his experiences at The Monroe Institute and present themselves as the ultimate manuals for spiritual development. But all is not what it seems. … more →
Spiritual Philosophy vs Spiritual Practice
Those interested in spiritual development need to become aware of the distinction between spiritual philosophies and spiritual practices so that they can reach conscious unity. … more →
Kishori Aird's Guide to DNA Reprogramming and Reactivation
A review of Kishori Aird's books DNA Demystified and DNA And The Quantum Choice which describe her protocols for reprogramming our DNA. … more →
Spirituality in a Nutshell
Confused by the plethora of spiritual paths and teachers that represent modern spirituality? You should be, and what is more, most will lead you away from authentic spirituality. … more →
The Emperor's New Clothes: David Hawkin's Absolute Calibration of Truth
David Hawkins is a controversial spiritual teacher who claims that consciousness/truth can be objectively calibrated by the muscle test. This is an in-depth investigation into this claim. … more →
Finding the Kind Heart
Finding the kind heart forms the foundation of spirituality and is a journey that must include both the path of love and the path of power for it to be effective and balanced. … more →
Scientific Justifications for New Age Philosophies
As long as we try to justify or explain our spiritual experiences with scientific philosophies we only bury ourselves deeper in ignorance by clutching to the illusion of understanding. … more →
The Process of Becoming Conscious
Spirituality is now such a medley of different ideas and beliefs that it can be difficult knowing what spiritual growth is and how to best achieve it. This article explores its essence. … more →
Quacks, Quackbusters and the Myth of Certainty
Quacks and quackbusters may have disparate beliefs but both share the same blind certainty in their own truth. AP examines the the limits of science and the myth of certainty. … more →
An Interview with Gregory Sams
Gregory Sams is a pioneering writer, inventor, free thinker, counter-culture icon and genuine human being. We recently caught up with him in London. … more →
Realizing Spiritual Enlightenment - A Rough Guide
Countless teachers, gurus and books offer the secrets to spiritual enlightenment. But few can get you there and even most of these will not understand the multiplicity of enlightenment. … more →
The Religion of the Reality Makers
Popularized by films such as What The Bleep and The Secret, changing your reality by changing your thoughts has never been so much in vogue, or so needed to be examined. … more →
Crazy Wisdom and New Age Narcissism
A ramble through the world of crazy wisdom, New Age narcissim, spiritual teachers, psychological & physical abuse, our collective shadow and malignant self-love. … more →
Software for a New World - First Draft
Imagine an accumulative database of knowlege, a bit like Wikipedia, available for download and that covers every aspect of ecologically-sound, life-promoting and democratic communities. … more →
The False Guru Test
The Falst Guru test seems to have struck a cord here in the West because of the outrageous abuses and exploitation by gurus, many self-proclaimed and completely misguided. … more →
Mindless Alternatives
Just because a system is alternative does not automatically give it credibility or equivalence to established orthodoxies — most alternatives out there are pretty mindless. … more →
Hijacking Natural Enlightenment
The Journey™ is a modified NLP technique hijacked by Brandon Bays to sell as a New Age panacea. … more →
Dowsing for God: A Critique of Power vs Force
With the recent popularity of books like Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins, it is timely to examine dowsing and the objectivism being claimed for it. … more →
The Quantum Reality Map
With the recent release of the film "What The Bleep Do We Know?", quantum theory is once again in the public imagination. Here is a short rundown of the philosophical implications of the quantum reality map. … more →
Reality Maps and Fundamentalism
For many in the West, the fanatical Moslem is the face of fundamentalism. But examine fundamentalism more deeply and we find it rife in our society too… and more dangerous. Here is how to reduce it. … more →
An Interview with Joe Bageant
You have probably read one of Bageant's articles, but who exactly is Joe Bageant? We interview him on his life, his work and his newly found internet cult status. … more →
The True Spiritual Path
In the profusion of today's spiritual teachers and teachings, it is easy to forget the true spiritual path. … more →
Telling the Truth
How often do we tell the truth, about who we are, what we are feeling, what we are thinking? If truth be told, hardly at all. The rewards for telling the truth, however, can be both unexpected and profound. … more →
Mind Medicine: Challenging the Medical Model
So you have a serious illness. Perhaps you may even be facing your own demise. At times like this, it is essential that you not necessarily reject but challenge the medical model, and perhaps embrace "mind medicine". … more →
What Happened to Gregg Braden?
The reaction of a former Gregg Braden fan to a lecture he gave at London's Alternatives on the 29th March 2004 promoting his latest book, The God Code. … more →
Manipulation of The People
Despite living in "the free world", there are very few free men and women walking around in our democracies. This is because we are all being manipulated in some way to do the bidding of others. … more →
Felicity's World
An interview with a woman who is has decided to take responsibiliy for the reality that she is creates and the world she experiences. … more →
Stay Where You Are: Finding True Spirituality
It has become fashionable in the West to regard Eastern spirituality as the true path. But by rejecting our own spiritual heritage, we work against our natural psychological and perhaps spiritual makeup. … more →
The Money Game
Few understand the money game because generally we so focused within its constraints and on our own financial affairs that we do not see it for what it is — a game played by the elite to own and control the world. … more →
The Limits of Skepticism
A brief look at the limits of skepticism in a modern world of alternative remedies, spiritual growth and psychic phenomena. … more →
Enlightenment: The Guru's Trap
Any teacher who declares his or her enlightenment, using it to attract a following, is greatly harmful to spiritual progress. … more →
Racism Revisited
Racism has been responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history. But will we ever be able to stamp it out by the denial that racial difference may be more than skin-deep? … more →
Two Evenings with John de Ruiter
John de Ruiter gives the best impersonation of enlightenment this side of Galili. But all is not what it seems… … more →
A Response to "The Myths of Vegetarianism"
Stephen Byrnes wrote The Myths of Vegetarianism in the Townsend Letter in which he smugly rubbishes vegetarianism. This is a vegetarian's reponse to that article. … more →
New Age Garbage
99% of the New Age is just "old age" thinking dressed up with a new and expanded vocabulary. At its core, New Ageism is just as limiting to true spiritual growth, which can only be found by facing reality in the raw. … more →
Psychological Ecology: Walking the Rice Paper
If we want to save this planet, we need to learn to live with minimum physical impact. But minimum physical impact can only come from practicing minimum psychological impact in every aspect of our lives. … more →
Spiritual Activism—an Oxymoron?
Spirituality is often seen as an avoidance of reality, a hinderance to change in society. After all, people in spiritual practice are usually focused inward and upward. Paradoxically it offers the only path to true global healing. … more →