Friendly Viruses
22 Oct 2012
JUST WATCHED a BBC documentary online called The Hidden Life of the Cell about how viruses attack a cell. The graphics and detail of the program was astonishing, and one was left in awe at the intelligent complexity of nature. But I did question why it was presented as this pitch battle between our cells and viruses.
What we must remember is that the interpretation of what is going on in our cells — this battle against viruses — is an interpretation. It says more about the minds of the scientists than it does about what is going on in the cell.
Another interpretation might be that viruses are physical representations of the unified field of consciousness that touch (rather than invade) different cells allowing them to share information. Viruses after all are snippets of replicating information… and their ubiquitous nature makes them ideal physical representatives of consciousness itself.
So when a virus kills a cell… perhaps they are merely representatives of our subconscious… our hidden emotional issues and problems, rather than some random and mechanical attack. Viruses are part of us, and as part of us their behaviour is an expression of our own consciousness; they don't have to be interpreted as rogue mercenaries looking to hijack our cells.
This friendly interpretation is no less disprovable than the "invading army" interpretation, but at the same time it evokes a much less stressful interpretation of the world, which is not only good for our health but will give us peace of mind. If we are going to adopt interpretations, we might as well have them work for us; we might as well have benign interpretations for our own health and wholeness, ones that do not make us victims of the microbial world.
And why not? Who said everything has to constantly be a battle? It is time to end these constant military metaphors. After all, only a warring mind interprets every situation as a battle, and that interpretation in turns keeps our minds warring.
Time for a biological paradigm change.