The Higgs Boson Wild-Goose Chase
08 Jul 2012
SO THEY HAVE FINALLY FOUND the little sucker hiding in the high energy interactions that take place in the world's largest particle accelerator — the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN on the French-Swiss border. It was certainly a victory for international collaboration, in a project that has cost in total several billion dollars and took a decade just to build, and a further 4 years to make this important find. And with the success of finding the Higgs Boson, as my friend Geoff pointed out, the scientists working on the project are now guaranteed funding for a long time into the future. Everybody is happy.
But, consider this: why hasn't some serious funding gone into research that investigates whether the mind can affect matter. After all, if it can affect matter, then sub-atomic particles, like the Higgs Boson, might well only be pseudo-objective mind-creations, and who would then want to spend billions of dollars chasing after some creation of the mind?
There is already statistically significant evidence that the mind does affect matter — just read one of Dean Radin's books for an excellent summary of the research. And so we have a situation today whereby the accumulative effect of the focused and intense minds of thousands of physicists working at CERN that detected the Higgs Boson particle, is assumed to have absolutely no effect on the existence and behaviour of a sub-atomic particle, despite the fact that even single minds have been shown to affect matter at much larger scales.
Of course, most would just dismiss mind-over-matter research as flawed — it is just such a ridiculous possibility that it cannot be taken seriously. But then again, there are many instances of ridiculous possibilities in science that ended up creating a new orthodoxy. So rather than spending billions of dollars on finding a sub-atomic particle, why not spend even 1% of that on research into the ability of focused minds to affect matter? The investment would be relatively small and the potential return would be MASSIVE, far greater than confirming a standard model for sub-atomic particles.
After all, if the mind is shown to be able to affect matter, then the finding would revolutionize science and medicine. Rather than being an epiphenomenon of complex arrangements of matter, consciousness would be thrust right back into the foundation of everything, where it rightfully belongs, and physical phenomena would be regarded as happening on the stage of consciousness. And suddenly all the placebo effect that orthodox medical scientists try to dismiss as it messes up "objective" research, would be seen as central to health and wholeness, and researchers would be trying to maximize it, not eliminate it.
But most importantly, our very definition of ourselves would change. The mechanical paradigm would be smashed once and for all, and we would realize that who and what we are is deeper than just matter — our fear of death would be diminished and whole new dimensions of experience would open up for us.
Putting billions of dollars into finding the Higgs Boson was a bit of a
wild-goose chase considering that just a tiny fraction of one percent of the
money invested in the Higgs find would be enough to answer much bigger
questions, questions that many scientists are afraid to ask as the answers to
them may not support their careers and projects like the LHC, despite possibly
transforming humanity. So the payoff of such mind-matter research could
potentially be far more profound than just confirming standard scientific
theory of sub-atomic particles. It is time we really reached for the stars,
not just to maintain the status quo.